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Drenched Sherbet Rose Bouquet with gentle prinking.

Click on the pictures on this site to enlarge them. Once enlarged, it is possible to click through the gallery while they are large. ( True on most sets and collections.) Enjoy!

The pictures in this gallery are all the same bouquet.  I made the bouquet for a wedding a number of years ago, and have loved it's soft colors ever since.  I played with the picture guilding it in several shades, by a number of manipulation tools in Gimp.  Posterizing the colors, using canvas and cartoon effects, softening the colors, etc.  But then, I played with the feature that allows me to make a wave on the picture.  The changes are subtle on some, but dynamic when the weave is widened.  I simply post all of these to see the differences in the results.  Each seemed to have its own possible use potential.  But I simply love a few of them as just plain Fine Art.

I made this bouquet, made the photo of this bouquet, and I prinked this bouquet.  That's how I like to do it! Prink, Prink, Prink, Prink, Prink.

Prinked Ink

Art, Photos & Graphics

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