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My Blogs:


Prinked Ink ~ Learning to make graphics

Prinked Projects & Pretty Things ~ What keeps me busy

Prinked Ink 4 Kids  ~ Arts and Crafts for Kids

I blog sporadically, I am afraid, but when I have something to say, I love having a place to journal.  As well as my art and graphics blogs, I blog about my faith on my personal blog, "A Garden Called Gethsemane," and am a guest blogger on "My Wings Are Made Of Faith."

In addition, I have a blog about my ancestry, where I occasionally enter information which begins to tell the story of my family: "They Came to the Mountains." And lastly, my husband and I have a site for logging the data from our Hawk Watch: "Soddy Daisy Hawk Watch."

What seems like a crazy list of blogs, none of which I post to on a daily basis, are a means to an end. Each was an exercise in learning how to build a blog, and test using various elements of what was availble for each choice.  At the same time, there is a benefit of having a place to make a library of materials of interest to me.  As I have time I will continue to add to all of them, and continue to have a variety of passions.  I have a second purpose, which is to continue to challenge my mind as I age, to combat the possible onslaught of dementia.  If it doesn't help in the end, at least I have put some things out there that leave my children a legacy of me.

Writing is another form of art. It has been said that different arts use different areas of the brain, so blogging becomes an exercise of sorts, to use the whole of my artistic inner self. 

But, blogging is a fun art as well. Most want their blogs to be a promotional tool for social media, but me..well, I just like getting the clutter out of my head.  Its a form of organizing stuff as well, like having virtual file folders, in a virtual file cabinet. It's not necessarily quick, so it limits my tendencies to stuff the folders with junk.  It has to be meaningful for me.  I take the time becasue I want to be able to revisit the files myself.  I have no grand allusion that the rest of the world even cares.

But I do care about my web site.  I want to introduce what's possible with a camera and a simple graphics program. It has opened my world to an ever expanding realm of art. It feeds my need to create. It gives me a public forum. It hastens my aptitude to learn, which ordinarily is turtle slow. It broadens my understanding of light, color, and the interaction of these. I makes me appreciate the ability to maniputate both of the above. And the ability to totally go bezurk with the pixels is like hearing a good musician play an electric keyboard for the first time. My mind soared.  I love the chance to have a new vision and to have a reason to dream.

Prinked Ink

Art, Photos & Graphics

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